Brass and Voices
Wednesday 20th 2024
Directed by John Groves, Adrian Pitts, Megan Pitts & Rachel Reilly
Piano Accompanist: Adi Srivastava
West Kent Youth Voices
Kent Police Band
The Judd School Year 7 Singers
Community Chocolate Choir (ASLG)
We are proud to present an evening of music for brass and voices. An exciting evening of music will be performed by our groups of musicians who are making their first appearance in Langton Green.
Up to 90 minutes of enjoyable music from folksongs to anthems, from fanfares, and marches to instrumental solos, there will be something for everyone. All are welcome and it’s free admission. There will be refreshments kindly provided by the Church, and a retiring collection in aid of the Church and the performing groups.