Holy Saturday
Listen Holy Saturday: Thoughts and story AND biting midges (hence the scratching!) also I lied when I said Jesus was always gentle (sorry y'all) - he got seriously worked up sometimes,
Kids Holy Saturday Easter Vigil fire and lighting the easter candle (to do at dusk or after sundown)
Build a bonfire in the garden, the leader has one larger candle (The Paschal Candle), all others small candles (if possible). To make it super special, switch all lights off in the house and put candles around the room you will return to. Be aware of dangers with naked flames – adjust who has candles as necessary!
Pray Holy Saturday:
Christ our God,
your love is poured out in death for our sakes.
Hold us in your embrace
as we wait for Easter’s dawn.
Comfort us with the promise that no power on earth, not even death itself,
can separate us from your love;
and strengthen us to wait
until you are revealed to us
in all your risen glory,
Sing Holy Saturday: a great celtic version of ‘In Christ alone’
Think Holy Saturday: laying Jesus in the tomb